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Working with WAX Software Files and Folders

Many of our guides have worked with configuring and deploying WAX software, however it did occur to me that I might not have explained the file and folder functions. In particular some of the nuances with node types and recovering or successfully syncing to the chain head block.

This guide will go over the functions of the WAX Software files and folders, the types of nodes determined by the data they contain and the nuances of successfully starting or recovering a node type.

This article has been updated to incorporate the Antelope Leap software build process.

Working with WAX Software Files and Folders

The WAX Software data-dir structure by default is made up of 5 directories:


and 2 files:


The /state folder contains the shared_memory.bin file, which is the thin provisioned WAX network memory mapped file also called the state database. It is this file that is recovered when starting from a snapshot.

The /blocks folder contains the blocks.log file, which is a local copy of all immutable blocks of the WAX chain stored on the node. It also contains a blocks.index file, which is an index of the blocks.log file used to find the location of a specific block number quickly.

The /state-history contains the chain_state_history.log, chain_state_history.index, trace_history.logand trace_history.indexfiles. These files capture historical data about the blockchain state (WAX Mainnet in this case) and stores this data in the files making them externally readable in a flat file format.

The /snapshots folder is the default location where nodeos saves snapshot files.

The /protocol_features folder contains network feature .json configuration files used for starting a new network or making a significant feature changes to the existing chain. Typically this wouldn't be used by WAX Guilds on the Mainnet.

The config.ini file contains the nodeos configuration used when running the nodeos binary.

The genesis.json file contains the initial state parameters required by every new starting node on the WAX Mainnet.

Types of Node

Broadly there are 3 node types provided by the WAX Software producer/query/seed:

  • producer: Node with signing key
  • query: Node that provides HTTP(S) APIs to the public
  • seed: Node that provides P2P access to the public

However the levels of functionality are also determined by the data the node contains. For example: It is possible to have a query node that doesn’t have a full blocks.index for block number lookup, it is also possible to have a seed node that doesn’t have all blocks in the blocks.log and it is also possible to have a state-history data base that wasn’t built from the first block of the network. All these examples mean that any external query or connection to this partial node will not have the Full Node / Blockchain data presented.

With this in mind depending on your use case you may choose a partial node to fulfil the functionality you require, however for public facing query and seed nodes it is most desirable to ensure you have full functionality.

The construct of a Full Node and Full State-History node are explained below:

Full Node :

  • Complete from block 1 blocks.log (Needs to be sync’d from peers from genesis or copied from another node)
  • Complete blocks.index (Will be built automatically from the existing available blocks.log)
  • Having both the above will enable block lookups and provide a full blocks peer service from block 1.
  • Current shared_memory.bin (Will be created automatically when syncing from genesis, can be copied from another node or can be recovered with a snapshot)
  • It is important that when recovering from a snapshot that a snap from a lower block number is used than what is available in the blocks.log

Full State-History Node:

  • Must contain the same complete blocks.log , block.index and current shared_memory.bin as with a Full Node.
  • However as with the blocks.log the /state-history files need to be complete and built from block 1.
  • /state-history files can be copied from another node or must be built from either a replay or re-sync from block 1.
  • It is important that when recovering from a snapshot that a snap from a lower block number is used, than what is available in the blocks.log as well as what is available in the /state-history files.

Checking Tools

WAX software has a great tool for managing the blocks.log called eosio-blocklog this binary is created when building.

Do the following to query current blocks.log blocks and blocks.index for currency and any issues:

> ./eosio-blocklog --blocks-dir /home/eosphere/datavolume/blocks --smoke-test

Smoke test of blocks.log and blocks.index in directory "/home/eosphere/datavolume/blocks"
info 2022-01-10T04:59:07.720 eosio-blo block_log.cpp:1081 trim_data ] block log version= 3
info 2022-01-10T04:59:07.724 eosio-blo block_log.cpp:1133 trim_data ] first block= 1
info 2022-01-10T04:59:07.724 eosio-blo block_log.cpp:1134 trim_data ] last block= 160670840
blocks.log and blocks.index agree on number of blocks

Also if you have any corruption due to an unclean shutdown of the node, it is possible to cleanly trim the end of the current blocks.log .

For example you can trim to block 160670000 like below:

./eosio-blocklog --blocks-dir /home/eosphere/datavolume/blocks --trim-blocklog --last 160670000

These WAX Developer Technical Guides are created using source material from the EOSphere WAX Technical How To Series

Be sure to ask any questions in the EOSphere Telegram