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WAX-CDT Options

Below is a list of common WAX-CDT tools and parameters. You can use these tools to generate WASM and ABI files for your smart contracts.


Compares the differences between two ABI files. A report prints out to the console.

USAGE: eosio-abidiff [options] [input file1] ... [input file2] ...
EXAMPLE: eosio-abidiff hello.abi old_hello.abi


Generic Options:

-help - Display available options (-help-hidden for more)
-help-list - Display list of available options (-help-list-hidden for more)
-version - Display the version of this program


Generates WASM and ABI files for your smart contracts.

USAGE: eosio-cpp [options] [input file] ...
EXAMPLE: eosio-cpp -abigen wax.cpp -o wax.wasm

-C - Include comments in preprocessed output
-CC - Include comments from within macros in preprocessed output
-D=[string] - Define [macro] to [value] (or 1 if [value] omitted)
-E - Only run the preprocessor
-I=[string] - Add directory to include search path
-L=[string] - Add directory to library search path
-O=[string] - Optimization level s, 0-3
-S - Only run preprocess and compilation steps
-U=[string] - Undefine macro [macro]
-W=[string] - Enable the specified warning
-c - Only run preprocess, compile, and assemble steps
-dD - Print macro definitions in -E mode in addition to normal output
-dI - Print include directives in -E mode in addition to normal outpu
-dM - Print macro definitions in -E mode instead to normal output
-emit-ast - Emit Clang AST files for source inputs
-emit-llvm - Use the LLVM representation for assembler and object files
-faligned-allocation - Enable C++17 aligned allocation functions
-fcoroutine-ts - Enable support for the C++ Coroutines TS
-finline-functions - Inline suitable functions
-finline-hint-functions - Inline functions which are (explicitly or implicitly) marked inline
-fmerge-all-constants - Allow merging of constants
-fno-cfl-aa - Disable CFL Alias Analysis
-fno-elide-constructors - Disable C++ copy constructor elision
-fno-lto - Disable LTO
-fstack-protector - Enable stack protectors for functions potentially vulnerable to stack smashing
-fstack-protector-all - Force the usage of stack protectors for all functions
-fstack-protector-strong - Use a strong heuristic to apply stack protectors to functions
-fstrict-enums - Enable optimizations based on the strict definition of an enum's value range
-fstrict-return - Always treat control flow paths that fall off the end of a non-void function as unreachable
-fstrict-vtable-pointers - Enable optimizations based on the strict rules for overwriting polymorphic C++ objects
-include=[string] - Include file before parsing
-isysroot=[string] - Set the system root directory (usually /)
-l=[string] - Root name of library to link
-lto-opt=[string] - LTO Optimization level (O0-O3)
-o=[string] - Write output to [file]
-std=[string] - Language standard to compile for
-v - Show commands to run and use verbose output
-w - Suppress all warnings

Generic Options:

-help - Display available options (-help-hidden for more)
-help-list - Display list of available options (-help-list-hidden for more)
-version - Display the version of this program


Creates a smart contract template and directory structure. Includes CMake build scripts by default.

USAGE: eosio-init [options]
EXAMPLE: eosio-init -project wax


Generic Options:

-help - Display available options (-help-hidden for more)
-help-list - Display list of available options (-help-list-hidden for more)
-version - Display the version of this program

generates an eosio smart contract project

-bare - produces only a skeleton smart contract without CMake support
-path=[string] - directory to place the project
-project=[string] - output project name


WebAssembly linker.

USAGE: eosio-ld [options] [input file] ...


Generic Options:

-help - Display available options (-help-hidden for more)
-help-list - Display list of available options (-help-list-hidden for more)
-version - Display the version of this program

eosio.ld options:

-L=[string] - Add directory to library search path
-fno-cfl-aa - Disable CFL Alias Analysis
-fno-lto - Disable LTO
-fno-post-pass - Don't run post processing pass
-fno-stack-first - Don't set the stack first in memory
-l=[string] - Root name of library to link
-lto-opt=[string] - LTO Optimization level (O0-O3)
-o=[string] - Write output to [file]