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Set Up a Local dApp Environment

Our Docker Development Image includes everything you need to set up a local development environment. This reduces your development costs and offers a fully-functional sandbox for both new and experienced dApp developers. The WAX local testnet allows you to easily:

  • Run a local development node on your server
  • Create free, local accounts to associate with your contract and simulate customers
  • Deploy and test your smart contracts locally
  • Estimate CPU and RAM usage
  • Make local blockchain API calls

How it Works

To set up your local development environment, you'll need to use three key Blockchain Tools: keosd, nodeos, and cleos.

When you start nodeos with various development plug-ins, it will launch a local test node on your server and start producing blocks. These blocks are written to a log, allowing you to view signed transactions initiated from your smart contracts.

Using a built-in development key and system account, you can also:

  • Create a Development Wallet. This is required to create accounts.
  • Create a Contract Account. Each of your smart contracts must be associated with an account.
  • Create Test Users. You can create as many local accounts as you need and fund them with local tokens.

Before You Begin

Before you set up your local development environment:

  • You'll need to complete our Docker Quickstart (recommended) or use the WAX Blockchain Setup to build from source.
  • Have a text document or note program ready. You'll need to use a wallet password and a public key to create accounts.